Tag: 1992

Genesis Reviews

Turbo OutRun

Sega’s OutRun series has been tearing up the roads for almost three decades. Though gamers received a true sequel only a few years ago with the incredible OutRun 2, there were many titles released in the series during the interval. One arcade sequel that was brought home to Europe and Japan was Turbo OutRun, and while it is faithful to its source material in spirit, the actual execution leaves much to be desired.

Genesis Reviews


Normally, gamers wouldn’t want to bear the burden of causing hundreds of tiny beings plummeting to their deaths due to negligence. Luckily, Sunsoft’s Lemmings allows for guilt-free gameplay. Based on the computer classic, the Genesis version offers a solid rendition that’s sure to keep the little blue and green fellows walking blindly into oblivion for quite some time.

Genesis Reviews

Predator 2

Why companies must taunt us with video game versions of our favorite films is something no one may ever know. Though the trend has slowed a bit recently, the dark legacy of the licensed video game is a shadow no project may ever overcome. And with titles like Predator 2 to remind us of how even the best intentions can pave a road to gaming hell.

Genesis Reviews

Mallet Legend’s Whac-A-Critter

Every so often, a really odd game shows up on a console. Not weird as in “it looks/plays weird,” mind you. No, I’m referring to that special game that uses some strange peripheral or requires some unique set up to work. Take Realtec’s Whac-A-Critter, for example. It used a special nine-button controller that’s rarer in the wild than a Tazmanian Tiger, and all to just smack animals on a screen. After paying the equivalent of a organ transplant for a complete copy, I’m sure many buyers eventually got their money’s worth by using the controller against their own heads.