Tag: 1991

Genesis Reviews


Rare’s amphibious trio came to the Genesis in 1991, and while fans were expecting a whole new adventure, what they got was a solid port of the NES original. They’d have to wait for the SNES release to get the new game they wanted, but as always, the Genesis came through with a some great gameplay….all the difficulty too!

Genesis Reviews


Based on one of Disney’s most memorable films, Fantasia fails to capture any of its magic. The poor controls, vague objectives, and repetitive gameplay make this one of Mickey’s poorer adventures. It’s best to leave this one and just watch the movie. You’ll enjoy it more.

Genesis Reviews

Master of Weapon

Ah shmups. Call them shooters or what you will, there’s no denying their appeal. Dashing through space, killing all in your path…it’s a most satisfying way to spend an afternoon; however, sometimes the glory isn’t worth the pain. Take Taito’s Master of Weapon, for instance. If ever a game should have stayed in the arcade, this was it.

Genesis Reviews

Twin Cobra

Talk about shmups to any gamer, and one company is sure to come up: Toaplan. It’s been around forever and has created some of the best games in the genre, which have virtually all found a home on one console or another. Twin Cobra arrived on the Genesis in 1991, and while it didn’t set the world on fire, it was a pretty decent play.