Tag: 1990

Genesis Reviews

Lakers vs. Celtics & the NBA Playoffs

Electronic set the gaming world on fire with its incredible Lakers vs. Celtics & the NBA Playoffs for MS-DOS, and the Genesis port was the proverbial “bigger, badder, better” in all areas. Take control of Magic and sweep Boston or guide Bird and the Celtics to yet another championship. Heck, why not take Barkely’s ’76ers and finally give him that ring?

Genesis Reviews


Ah Wolfteam, Renovation’s star developmental group that seemingly churned out a new game on a weekly basis. There were some stinkers, to be sure, but there was also some great games that spanned multiple genres. One of the team’s lesser-known titles was Granada, a shooter that had the player piloting a massive tank against insurmountable odds (of course).

Genesis Reviews

Crack Down

Between a rising Genesis and a dying Master System, Sega had so much software on its plate that it had to farm some of it out. Crack down, a two-player coin-op port, was one game that got handed over to Sage’s Creation. Featuring simultaneous co-op and a buttload of levels, this fun little action title didn’t get the attention it deserved – until now! Read our full review and get ready to add another title to your library!

Genesis Reviews

Air Diver

Take to the skies and fight terrorists in your F-119 Stealth Fighter! Barrel roll to dodge incoming fire as you fight your away towards… um… massive alien spaceships? Yes, Seismic’s Air Diver is a game whose plot isn’t really worth mulling over, so perhaps it’s better that you just grab your controller and play. That way, you can concentrate on the totally average gameplay, or maybe you should plug in a copy of Afterburner II. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Oh, you’re still here? Then why not read our full review of Air Diver? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Genesis Reviews

DJ Boy

Like beat-’em-ups? Beaten every Streets of Rage more times than you can count? If you’re wondering which brawler to turn to next, there’s always Kaneko’s DJ Boy. It may not be high on the list of games that come to mind, but it’s… out there. Keep your expectations low and you just might be surprised.