Tag: 1990

Genesis Reviews

After Burner II

Today, Sega-16 hits another milestone. Our latest review, for After Burner II, is our 600th! What better way to celebrate than by taking a look at the Sega classic? For an early port of such a powerful arcade machine, the Genesis does a pretty good job, and all that’s missing is a flight stick (something Sega remedied with the superb Mission Stick for the Saturn version).

Genesis Reviews

Whip Rush

The Genesis is a choice console for shooters, and few companies produced the library that Renovation did. In addition to Gaiares, Arrow Flash, and Granada, it also gave us Whip Rush. Quite the fun little shooter it is, too!

Genesis Reviews

James “Buster” Douglas Knockout Boxing

In 1990, Sega was riding high on the success of its licensed sports games. Joe Montana Football was a solid seller, and the company was ecstatic to have secured the license of the new heavyweight boxing champ – the man who defeated “Iron” Mike Tyson – James “Buster” Douglas. Unfortunately, Sega apparently made more of an effort to get Douglas’ moniker on the box than it did to make the actual game around it, as the licensed Final Blow game it used was mediocre at best. To add insult to injury, Douglas lost his championship belt to Evander Holyfield in his very first title defense a mere nine months later.

Genesis Reviews


Junction is a game few people remember and even fewer actually played. Part of Micronet’s line up for the Genesis, it was a neat little puzzler that had players guiding a marble around a tiled stage. The complete lack of marketing caused the game to die a quick retail death. It’s a good thing then, that we’re here to remind you of why you need to give this one a try!