Tag: 1990

Genesis Reviews

Bimini Run

Lots of Genesis publishers have disappeared, but some barely even showed up at all. Nuvision Entertainment was one company that vanished after a single release, and given the quality of the game in question, we have no doubt why it went under. Bimini Run is a repetitive, droning exercise in boredom that is thankfully over all too soon.

Genesis Reviews

Budokan: The Martial Spirit

When people think of 16-bit fighting games, most tend to consider few titles beyond Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. There was surely a ton of mediocre clones out there, and it’s understandable to only remember the best of the bunch. However, Budokan: The Martial Spirit predates all the fighters on the Genesis, as it originally appeared on home computers in 1989. The Genesis port was almost entirely intact, but how does it fare in gameplay?

Genesis Reviews


Playing an import RPG can be pretty darn hard, especially when the initial menu screen is the most text-heavy in the game! Such is the case of Falcom’s Sorcerian, which shows little mercy from the get-go. Its character creation menu and options are all in Japanese, and it’s virtually impossible to even create a character if you’re not fluent, let alone actually play the game. Many gamers never got past this, and they missed out on a decent little action/RPG. Thankfully, a partially translated ROM is out there, and it is the only way to get anywhere with the Mega Drive version.

Genesis Reviews

Shove It! The Warehouse Game

Puzzle games come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more complex than others, but often the simplest puzzlers can be the most fun. One of the lesser known members of the genre on the Genesis is Shove It! The Warehouse Game, which basically boils down to a dude in a warehouse pushing boxes for cash. It’s not very deep on story, and it can even be downright repetitive sometimes, but the game actually grows on you after a while.

Genesis Reviews

Will Harvey’s Zany Golf

Many gamers grew up with the local mini golf center, or “putt putt.” Ah, spending a Saturday night playing a few rounds, wasting quarters on Ms. Pac-Man and other classic coin-ops, and finishing it all off with some tasty nachos. Not a bad way for a young teen to spend an evening, but what did you do when it rained or you had no money? Why, you played Zany Golf! Well, at least you did on the computer. The Genesis port didn’t fare too well in the transition, and that’s a shame, as Will Harvey’s classic was a true blast to play when it debuted for the Apple II in 1988. Sluggish control is a constant reminder that this is a game meant to be played with a mouse, and the overall package hasn’t aged well at all.