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Master System Reviews


Taito’s sword-wielding barbarian hacks his way onto the Master System! A port of the popular arcade classic, the 8-bit version went through some graphical and gameplay changes in the process, but it does a surprisingly good job of capturing all the fun of the original. This is one adventure you’ll want to go on!

Game Gear Reviews

Tails’ SkyPatrol

The Game Gear gave Sonic’s sidekick Tails a chance to shine, and he was featured in several different types of games. A Japanese exclusive, Tails’ SkyPatrol was a shooter that’s as short as it is colorful. It may not be a long ride, but what’s there is worth looking into.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 113

Every month, our staff and readers share what they’ve been playing. A lot of hidden gems and some well-known classics are discussed, and we hope they’ve helped people find some great new games to play. This month’s selection is filled with some Genesis legends, and we hope you give them a chance if you haven’t already played them or take them out for another spin if you have.