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Genesis Reviews

Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2

Accolade’s answer to the NBA Jam series was to give basketball star “Sir” Charles Barley his own series. The game was successful enough to spawn a sequel, but unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to push the “street b-ball” sub-genre forward. Perhaps its most remarkable feature is how it squeezes every ounce out of its undoubtedly expensive endorsement.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Brandon Humphreys (Virgin Games Artist)

Virgin Interactive gave Sega gamers plenty of reasons to be happy, releasing some of the best platforming and action titles of the era. During this period, Brandon Humphreys played a solid role in creating many of Virgin’s biggest hits, including Aladdin and RoboCop vs. Terminator. Recently, we had a chance to chat with him, and he was kind enough to share his experiences!