2016 is here, and it’s time for the year’s first Roundtable! We kick off the year the same way he have for the past 11 years: playing Sega games! This month’s selection includes some great variety, so read the entries and check out some of these great titles!
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Side by Side: The Chaos Engine (Mega Drive vs. Amiga CD32)
Chaos Engine, or Soldiers of Fortune, as it’s known in the U.S., was a great shooter by the Bitmap Bros. that saw releases on several different formats. In this installment of Side-by-Side, we take a look at how Sega’s version stacks up against the one released on the Amiga CD32. Which one comes out on top? Read on and see!
Preview: Sega 3D Classics Collection Coming to 3DS!
Sega has announced a compilation of nine great games from its 3D Classics line on the Nintendo 3DS! This April, gamers will be able to play a selection of arcade, Master System, and Genesis hits in one set, either digitally or in physical form. Read on for all the details!
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2
Accolade’s answer to the NBA Jam series was to give basketball star “Sir” Charles Barley his own series. The game was successful enough to spawn a sequel, but unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to push the “street b-ball” sub-genre forward. Perhaps its most remarkable feature is how it squeezes every ounce out of its undoubtedly expensive endorsement.
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 40
Many who grew up with Sega’s consoles used its 1-800-USA-SEGA customer service number to call about upcoming games and for tips and secrets. It was a great and personal way to speak to our favorite company. Sega has now disconnected the number, ending a grand part of its history. In tribute, Ken shares his experiences calling Sega over the years.
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