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Sega CD Reviews

Shin Megami Tensei

The Sega CD has a great selection of RPGs, but most were sadly left in Japan. Those willing to brave the language barrier should consider playing Shin Megami Tensei, an installment in the long-running and popular series that was never brought to the West. It’s a great upgrade over the Super Famicom version, and there are FAQs online to help with the plot!

Features, Sega Legends

Sega Legends: Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna was a racing icon throughout much of the world, even within the video game industry. He was signed by Sega of Japan to endorse its second Super Monaco GP game, but he left more than just his name on the game’s development. He played an integral part in its creation, showing the full potential of what a licensed game could be.