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Genesis Reviews

Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition

Jeopardy! has maintained a solid presence on game consoles, with multiple editions available for the Genesis and Sega CD. Sadly, the Deluxe Edition turned out to be little more than what would today be called an expansion pack. Only the most diehard Trebek fans need apply if they need this one to go along side their original and sport editions.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 120

Winter is gone, and hopefully it’s getting warmer where you live. That means it’s going to be sunny and pleasant outside, making it that much harder to resist the temptation to stay indoors and play Sega. Be strong! Don’t give into your basic urges! You can take a pill for vitamin D, and if you want fresh air, just open a window! Stay inside and try out one of the great games in this month’s Roundtable!

Master System Reviews

Speedball (Master System)

The Bitmap Bros. are renowned for their excellent games, titles that are both well-presented and that play great. Speedball on the Genesis is a great example of that, but the Master System port, done by Mirrorsoft/Image Works, doesn’t fare as well. Everything that made the Genesis version so good is missing, so there’s no reason to bother with this version.