The Shining series debuted on the Saturn with a return to its dungeon crawling roots. Despite bearing some of the genre’s flaws, Shining the Holy Ark was a strong entry with great gameplay and presentation that set the stage for Shining Force’s revival.
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Classic Interview: Paul Jackson (Electronic Arts)
This interview appeared in the January 1994 issue of the Spanish magazine TodoSega. The conversation with Electronic Arts Vice President and Managing Director Paul Jackson centered on upcoming sports titles and the next generation of consoles.
Lost in the Arcade: Irem Games
Like many coin-op publishers, Irem never brought a sizeable number of its games to home consoles. Shooters, fighters, and hack-‘n-slashers rank among the releases that never left arcades. Join us as we take a look at some of the Irem games that we never got to play on our Sega consoles back in the day.
Action Fighter
Action Fighter tried to be the Master System’s answer to Bally/Midway’s Spy Hunter, but it lacked the same charm and excitement. The result is an average game that doesn’t quite live up to its name. “Average Fighter” would perhaps have been a more accurate moniker.
Interview: John Gillin (Capcom & Sega Director of Marketing)
As Director of Marketing at both Capcom and Sega of America, John Gillin had a front row seat for the height of the 16-bit era. He helped launch Street Fighter II on SNES and oversaw several Sega lines, including Sega Sports, and he was present during the turbulent transition to the Saturn.
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