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Game Gear Reviews

Taz-Mania (Game Gear)

Taz-Mania on the Genesis was a great game with incredible visuals and solid gameplay. Sadly, the Game Gear version bears little resemblance in quality, and sluggish gameplay ruins what could have been a great port. Fans of the character should stick to the Genesis games instead and avoid this one unless they absolutely need to play every Taz game there is.

Genesis Reviews


Super Fighter Team’s first puzzler on the Genesis may not have the single-player legs that other classics like Columns and Mean Bean Machine do, but it’s still a enjoyable game to play, especially with a friend. Short but engaging, it’s a decent addition to your Genesis library if you’re looking for some simple fun.

Master System Reviews

Champions of Europe

With the popularity of soccer in Europe, it’s not surprising that consoles there saw some releases that never made it to North America. Champions of Europe for the Master System is one example, and judging by the gameplay, perhaps it was better left on the other side of the pond. It’s not great, but it has nothing on excellent releases like Sensible Soccer.

Master System Reviews

Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Originally hailed as a rival to Super Mario Bros. Alex Kidd in Miracle spawned a series that extended to the Genesis. Though it wasn’t as popular as Mario, the franchise is still well-regarded among Sega fans who loved its vehicles, colorful levels, and wacky boss battles. With a big heart and an even bigger punch, original game has become a bona fide Sega classic. Jan-ken-pon!