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Features, Previews

Preview: Sega Forever

Sega has debuted a new service for Android and iOS that offers free downloads of its console classics! Each month, new games will be made available, and there’s even a promise of Dreamcast and other games! Check out our preview for more information and get ready to play some Sega games on your phone.

Game Gear Reviews

Ecco the Dolphin (Game Gear)

If you haven’t played some version of Ecco the Dolphin yet, you’re definitely missing out on a unique and innovative take on action games. The Game Gear version is a great way to get started with the franchise, as it offers all the gameplay and charm of the original, with some nice details added. This is definitely one you’ll want in your game library.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 133

May has come and gone, and the summer is about to start. Before you run outside to enjoy all that sunshine, take a gander at some of the games we’ve been playing, and see if there’s something you’ve missed. The size of the libraries for the Genesis, Master System, and Game Gear are large enough to guarantee that there’s going to be some games you should be checking out!