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Saturn Reviews

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei

The original Panzer Dragoon debuted with the Saturn’s launch, and it was quite an impressive title. The sequel amped up everything good about its predecessor, adding some stunning environments and a cool dragon evolution dynamic. It’s one of the top releases for the console and one that everyone should play.

Master System Reviews

Shooting Gallery

Shooting Gallery may lack the intensity of other Light Phaser games, like Missile Defense 3D or Rescue Mission, but it’s a decent title that can be entertaining for a while. The high difficulty may chase away younger gamers, but there’s fun to be had here, particularly when played with other people.

Dreamcast Reviews


Visual Concepts took its ground-breaking NBA 2K game and retooled it for the following season, adding online play and a new Street Mode. The result was the finest basketball game available at the time, and a contender seemingly able to take on anything EA or other publishers had to offer.