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Features, Genre Spotlight

Genre Spotlight: Digital Comic Con

When Sega-16 launched, we kicked off our Genesis coverage with a feature on graphic adventures, also known as digital comics. It was incomplete, and we vowed to one day finish it up, but little things like family and jobs got in the way (Pheh…reality). But finally, after all this time, it’s been updated and refined. The genre isn’t a big one when it comes to Sega’s 16-bit console, but what’s there is surprisingly good, and you owe it to yourself to read Digital Comics: A Forgotten Genre to see why these games deserve to be played and enjoyed.

Genesis Reviews

Rocket Knight Adventures

As platformers go, RKA stands tall among the crowd; looking down on most. That’s no mean feat considering the level of quality the Genesis has in this department. Many people made the mistake, however, of casually dismissing the game as another Sonic clone. They could not have been farther from the truth.

Genesis Reviews

Two Crude Dudes

Data East offered many games to the Genesis library, and among the best of them was Two Crude Dudes. An arcade port, the Genny version manages to maintain all the fun and humor of the original, without losing much of its game play in the transition to console.

Sega CD Reviews

Dungeon Explorer

Not known for its huge array of RPGs, the Sega CD was practically an afterthought in the minds of gamers by the time Dungeon Explorer was released. By then, the Saturn and Playstation was dominating the press and many games slipped to the cracks into obscurity (see Ristar & Gunstar Heroes ). The fact that DE was a Gauntlet clone and a port of a Turbo Grafx game did little to help it catch the market’s attention, and the game was promptly forgotten.

Genesis Reviews


One of the best platformers on the Genesis, Ristar is a wonderous journey composed of brilliant presentation and level design all rolled into one. If you own a Genesis and even have a passing liking for the genre, then this one needs to be in your library. It’s just that good.