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Game Gear Reviews

House of Tarot

Tired of playing Sonic or Shinobi? Here’s something different for your Game Gear. Sega released a Tarot reading game in Japan that does creates a pretty good 8-bit representation of fortune-telling with only two buttons. Is there a screen mod in your future? Perhaps a restored battery pack? You’ll have to play to see!

Saturn Reviews


Astal was a welcome release for Saturn owners starving for new games. It also hinted at what could have been an amazing upgrade for 2D games on the new 32-bit machine. While it has its flaws, it remains a fun action platformer that boasts decent gameplay, some stunning visuals, and a stellar soundtrack.

Master System Reviews

Psycho Fox

A late platform release for the Master System, Psycho Fox takes a bunch of good ideas and fumbles about with them, never quite knowing what to do. The game is fun and has some interesting dynamics, but it leaves players with the impression that it could have been so much more.