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Sega CD’s Finest Hour: The Lunar Games

Working Designs led the RPG charge by releasing four awesome games. Popful Mail was an incredible side scrolling action/RPG that needs to be re-released and Vay, though frustrating with its random battles, was a neat little romp with one of the first character deaths on console (Phantasy Star II beat them to it). Their greatest achievements, without a doubt, have to be the two Lunar games.

Genesis Reviews

Double Dragon

Technos launched a genre into stardom and created a massive franchise with Double Dragon, and the game has been made available for just about every console ever made. The Genesis version should have been arcade perfect, but somehow, Technos managed to screw it up. While not unplayable, it’s a far cry from what it should have been.

Genesis Reviews

Sonic The Hedgehog

In 1991 Sega released a game that they hoped would be the anti-Mario. The game was Sonic The Hedgehog and it did everything Sega dreamed it would and a whole lot more. Sonic is a game based on the blue hedgehog you have undoubtedly heard of before or seen in one of his many games.