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Features, Interviews

Interview: Marc Ericksen (Artist)

Anyone who owns a NES or a Genesis knows the art of Marc Ericksen. He is responsible for some of the most well-known pieces of the 8- and 16-bit eras including Strider and Mega Man 2 for the NES and Thunder Force II and Herzog Zwei, for Genesis. We recently had a chance to chat with Marc about his experiences creating game art and these brilliant pieces.

Genesis Reviews

Ecco the Dolphin (MD)

You’ve undoubtedly played Ecco the Dolphin on the Genesis or European Mega Drive, but it’s worth giving the Japanese version a try. Released last, it added some features the others lacked, including a more fleshed-out story and a new stage. Together, these additions make the Japanese release the definitive cartridge version of the game.