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Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Ecco: Songs of Time Music Collection

The quality of Spencer Nilsen’s Ecco the Dolphini scores is undeniable. Haunting yet inviting, they soothe and offer the perfect picture of what life under the sea must sound like. Many of the tracks from both games were released on a single CD entitled Ecco: Songs of Time, and Sega-16 staff editor Ben Galway has all the details on why it’s such a great piece to own.

Sega CD Reviews

Lunar: Eternal Blue

Lunar Eternal Blue was the highest-selling title in Sega CD history and rightly so. Mixing incredible storytelling with a solid battle engine and loveable characters, it was everything a sequel should be. Working Designs scored big with this one and it’s a title that deserves to be in any self-respecting Sega CD owner’s collection.

Genesis Reviews


Released under the Tengen label (an Atari subsidary), Klax ranks among Tetris and Columns as one of the classics of the genre. How well does the Genesis port compare to the arcade hit? Read our review and find out!

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 02 Retrospective

On this day two years ago, Sega-16 was unleashed on an unsuspecting populace. It’s been quite a ride these last twelve months, and we’ve come a long way. But an event of this magnitude deserves a closer analysis, and our Year Two Retrospective talks at length about all we’ve accomplished. It’s been our pleasure to serve the Genesis community for these last two years, and we hope to be around for many, many more. Thanks for all your support!