For your gaming pleasure, today we have a review for Batman: Revenge of the Joker. Poor Bats never seems to get a fair shake, and his spotty gaming history is full of “could-have-beens,” including this one. Originally released on the NES, most people thought the Genesis port would take advantage of the more powerful hardware and offer the maximum experience. In reality, the NES game is better.
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NFL Quarterback Club (32X)
Thursday marks the opening of the 2006 NFL season, and what better way to celebrate than with a review of NFL Quarterback Club for the 32X? If you’re a football fan, you’ve undoubtedly been awaiting the return of one of America’s most popular sports, and if you’re a 32X owner, you probably need another game to play! Check out the review and see if this is the one for you!
Lost in the Arcade: Taito Games
Get ready for another round of Lost in the Arcade! This installment takes a look at some of the great Taito games that were never released on consoles during the 16-bit era, but would have been right at home on the Genesis. So many great games, yet so few were ported! It’s a shame, but that doesn’t mean we should just forget them.
Secret of Monkey Island
There’s no denying that people love pirates. Johnny Depp is laughing all the way to the bank thanks to that fact, but gamers have also benefitted from the public’s obsession with wench-groping, ale-swizzling rogues. Why, the Sega CD alone got one of the best pirate adventures in history, The Secret of Monkey Island.
Developer’s Den: Zyrinx
Today we kick off a new feature series that looks into the history behind some of the Genesis’ most prominent creative teams. The first installment of Developer’s Den takes a look at Zyrinx, the maker of Sub-Terrania and Red Zone, and examines its work and legacy. Read the article and find out what could have been!
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