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Genesis Reviews

Adventures of Mighty Max

Every console since the dawn of time has been burdoned with licensed games. Even to this day, they line the shelves of local game stores, awaiting unsuspecting consumers looking to take an active part in their favorite movies and programs. The problem is that virtually all of these games suffer from one of two problems: weak source material or the developer only having an interest in a simple cash run. Which is The Adventures of Mighty Max?

Editorials, Features

Genesis on Xbox Live Arcade? Why Not?

With more than a million downloads on the Virtual Console, Nintendo is seeing a massive interest in classic titles. Sega has been taking advantage of this bonanza, already bringing Genesis games to Nintendo’s fledgling service and with plans to offer many more. So if there’s definitely an interest in its back catalogue, why limit itself to only Nintendo’s console? Could there be an advantage to Sega making its 16-bit games available on Xbox Live Arcade? Sega-16 takes a long, hard look at this possibility, and the answer is deeper than you’d think.

Genesis Reviews


The Genesis launch had a pretty good line up of games that tried to cover as wide a range of genres as possible. Zoom! made a valiant attempt to fill the maze game niche, and while it demonstrated some serious potential, it was ultimately undone by repetitive gameplay and extreme simplicity.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 14

It’s that time again! Once a month, Segaphiles gather to tell us what they’re playing, and each installment usually features an interesting blend of fan favorites, lesser-known gems, imports, and even some duds. January is no different, and eleven of our staff and readers are ready to share their games! Read the latest entry in our popular Reader Roundtable feature and see what your fellow Genesis fans are playing!