Tired of Halo LAN parties? Bored with crushing the competition online? Maxed out your World of Warcraft character? Time then, to kick it old school and show your friends how multi-player was when everyone had to be in the same room! The Genesis holds its own in this department, and staff writer Nick Gibson has gone through its multi-player line up to pick out those that are sure to make your pals respect their roots. Read his full report in our latest feature Party Night: Killing Time & Making Memories with Genesis and get ready to break out that multi-tap!
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Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars
Everyone likes Tiny Toons. The fact that it’s still appearing on consoles a decade after the series first aired is testament to its staying power. At the height of its popularity, there were games for all the major consoles of the era, and the Genesis received both a standard platformer (quite good in its own right) and a wacky take on the sports genre called ACME All-Stars. In the latter, players took control of their favorite toons and played such games as basketball, soccer, and bowling. It’s actually a lot more fun than it sounds.
Seeing the cartoons of our youth tampered with is something that makes many people raise an eybrow. Luckily, cartoons fared pretty well when it came to games, and the Genesis had a decent track record of providing quality versions of animated hits. Aladdin and Tiny Toon Adventures come to mind, but there was also a cartridge version of Buena Vista Interactive’s popular TV series Gargoyles. Combining platforming and action elements, it was quite faithful to its source material and even managed to overcome some serious design flaws.
Sega Download: Genesis Live Arcade Vol. 01
After months and months of rumors and speculation, Sega finally announced its support of Xbox Live Arcade last week at E3. While the initial offerings are slim (only two games), the mere fact that we’ll now be getting plenty of Genesis goodness on our Xbox 360s is reason enough for Segaphiles to be happy. We’re celebrating the news with a brand new article series. Genesis Live Arcade will serve as a sister article to our current Genesis Virtual Console series and will continue to bring our hands-on recommendations about the newest games each month as they’re released. We kick things off with a report on the first two games available: Golden Axe (arcade) and Sonic The Hedgehog. Read the full article and see if these two are worth your Microsoft points!
Puggsy (CD)
The Genesis saw its fair share of computer ports, especially of the Amiga kind, due to the similarities in hardware. Psygnosis took great advantage of this easy avenue in porting, and it released many of its wares on the console. It was also one of the few developers to embrace the then-struggling Sega CD, and a good portion of its catalogue appeared there as well. Puggsy was one such title, and it received a cg-rendered introduction, as well as an enhanced soundtrack.
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