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Genesis Reviews

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Sometimes, it’s good to take a break from all the great shmups, platformers, and run-‘n-guns on the Genesis. Occasionally a nice, laid back type of game hits the spots. Those who remember computer lab in junior high already know which game I’m talking about, and everyone else would do themselves a favor and check out Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, which spawned a lengthy series of edutainment games, as well as a cartoon series.

Genesis Reviews

Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football

In 1991, Sega shocked Genesis owners with Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football. Aside from changing the game’s vertical perspective to a horizontal one (an internal team had been working on one for the original, but it was scrapped in favor of EA’s vertical game), Sega also added play-by-play commentary. Though it might seem cheesy today, this was unheard for consoles at the time, and it marked an important step in bringing realism to sports games.

Features, Sega Download

Sega Download: Genesis Live Arcade Vol. 02

What, you thought that we’d forgotten about Sega’s 16-bit support of Microsoft’s excellent download service? Quite the contrary! The release list is considerably smaller, but there’s still some quality being made available for your gaming pleasure. This month features a quartet of titles: Ecco the Dolphin, Cyberball (arcade), Sonic The Hedgehog 2, and Streets of Rage 2. Which are worth your points? Read our full report and find out!