For a console that was officially discontinued almost a decade ago, it’s nice to see the Genesis still making waves in the industry. We have some news about the new Xbox 360 and PS3 Golden axe game, the fate of Earthworm Jim, another attempt at making the Genesis portable, Mega Drive games on the Wii, and some great guys using the Sega CD for charity.
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Fire Mustang
Taito’s Fire Mustang may not have set the world on fire, but it was a decent little game that may be worth looking into if you can find it on the cheap side.
Interview: Michael Knox (Founder of Park Place Productions)
As the head of the development team that made both Montana and the original Genesis version of John Madden Football, Knox was at the center of the internal controversy regarding both games, and he had some great information to share regarding how each was made. There’s even some previously unknown backstory to how the original Genesis Madden came about. It’s a must-read for any football fan, and you can get it all in our full interview.
Behind the Design: Joe Montana Football
When you think video game football, the first name to come to mind is Madden, and while it’s definitely the biggest name, its domination wasn’t always so clean cut. Almost a half a year before the console debut of EA’s never-ending franchise, another football series was born – by the hands of the same creators! Joe Montana Football was Sega’s first foray into the big leagues of digital football, and it almost died on the drawing board. In fact, there were at one time as many as three different teams working on it at one time, and it was Trip Hawkins’ company that finally saved the day.
Death and Return of Superman
Many people believe that DC Comics jumped the shark with the Death of Superman storyline. We all know that flagship comic book characters never stay dead (Jean Grey and Captain America, anyone?), but the completely silly way in which the writers handled Supes’ “death” and return was enough to make issue #75 of Superman end up less valuable than a square of used Cottonelle. The Sunsoft Genesis game was almost as bad, and it had few redeeming qualities as a beat-’em-up. Hey, at least it wasn’t as bad as Marvel’s Spider-Man clone saga…
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