WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER? Hulkamania’s runnin’ wild on your Genesis in Flying Edge’s Super Wrestlemania! Itching for some wrasslin’ action from the good ol’ days? We’ve got you covered with a full review of a game from the height of the pre-“attitude” era of the WWF, back before the World Wildlife Fund stole the abbreviation! Read on and remember to say your prayers and eat your vitamins!
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Interview: Yuzo Koshiro (Composer)
Fans of Revenge of Shinobi and the Streets of Rage series undoubtably point to the soundtracks of the Genesis classics as a big part of what made them so special. In fact, when you think about famous musical scores on Sega’s little black box, one name comes up more than any other: Yuzo Koshiro. He’s been behind some of gaming’s greatest music for over two decades, and he’s still going strong. Sega-16 managed to track him down recently for a quick interview, where he talked about his work on the Genesis and why Streets of Rage fans are going to be sad pandas for quite some time.
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 20
Chances are, if you own a 32X you’ve went through your fair share of problems to get the darn thing hooked up. Imagine what it was like for those who purchased an incomplete system or one from another region. The extra cables, adapters, and metal shielding (did anyone actually even use those?) was enough to make many gamers pass the 32X over in favor of the shiny new 32-bit consoles. Some however, had faith and pushed on, eventually getting their little mushrooms to finally work.
Caliber .50
War games are supposed to be fun, action-packed, and adrenaline pumping. Pick any of those, divide it by two, and you still have more to offer than Caliber .50. When you find yourself staring at the screen in anger yelling “MOVE, DAMN YOU!” there’s obviously something unRambo-like about the main character.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 26
It’s time again for our monthly get together, where Sega-16 staff and readers tell the world what they’ve been playing during the month. Volume twenty-six of our Reader Roundtable is sure to offer a few obscure titles, as well as the favorites everyone loves to play. Check out the full article and see if there’s a title you missed!
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