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Genesis Reviews

FIFA Soccer ’95

Sonic FIFA Soccer ’95

Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, and whenever one thinks of its video game renditions, one franchise stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of public awareness. Electronic Arts’ FIFA series has been going strong for over a decade, and it made quite the name for itself on the Genesis. With solid gameplay and great presentation, it kept fans playing well into the wee hours of the morning with each new entry.

Saturn Reviews

Sonic Jam

Sonic is making waves again, and 2008 might just be the year when Sega finally gets the old formula right. It’s been almost ten years since the famous hedgehog made the jump to the third dimension permanently, and it’s been a shaky road to this day. It wasn’t his first foray into 3D though, as two years before Sonic Adventure was released gamers were treated to a taste of what was to come with the Sonic World mode of Sonic Jam for the Sega Saturn. A compilation of all his 16-bit outings (sans Sonic 3D Blast), the game also boasted a fully 3D world that could be explored. It was mostly just a cool way to travel between different game options, but it set the precedent for Sonic’s evolution.

Genesis Reviews

Street Smart

I have to admit, I love me a good brawler every now and then. Being the total scrub that I am, I play just for kicks rather than for prestige or rank. That’s what has me checking out more and more of the older fighters out there. Recently forum member Scooter was kind enough to send me a copy of Treco’s Street Smart for the Genesis, and I quickly popped it in, control in hand. A fan of the SNK original, I was amazed at just how poorly this port turned out. Everything that was good has been changed for the worse, and the one thing that was pretty decent – the gameplay – is left to carry the whole game. Suffice it to say that things didn’t work out.

Sega CD Reviews

WWF Rage in the Cage

One of the most dramatic of all wrestling matches is the cage match. Two men locked inside a massive cell of steel, with victory coming to the one who can climb his way out. WFF Rage in the Cage for the Sega CD centered its theme around this classic type of match, with completely mediocre results, despite having at its disposal all the advantages the new hardware offered. It was just another example of Genesis games being ported to CD with little extra effort.