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Features, Previews

Preview: Commando 3

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special Sega-16 update: Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, the sequel to the Genesis classic MERCS, is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Store. Featuring online co-op play for up to three people and tons of action, this looks to be a great addition to anyone’s run-‘n-gun library. For more details, be sure to read our full preview.

Genesis Reviews

MLBPA Baseball

To celebrate America’s national pastime, we’ve got a full review of EA’s MLBPA Baseball for the Genesis. In a sea of competition, how does it hold up to its rivals, including Sega’s own stellar World Series Baseball? Well, you’ll just have to read the review and see! Remember to leave your steroids at the door!

Buyer's Guides, Features

Shopping for Genesis on Craig’s List

With all the retro gaming madness that has gripped people over the last few years, it’s becoming increasingly harder for gamers to fill out the holes in their collections without being gouged by store owners looking to land eBay prices. Aside from flea markets and thrift stores, one viable option is the ever-growing Craig’s List, which allows people to meet up with others in their area to buy and sell items. Like any other avenue for transactions, it’s open to its share of horror stories, but if used right, you can actually land a good number of games without having to pay for shipping. Staff writer David Childers has compiled a handy guide for using Craig’s list, so read the full article and get ready to go looking for that holy grail!

Genesis Reviews

Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls

Genre: Beat-‘Em-Up Developer: LeLand Interactive Media Publisher: Tradewest Players: 1-2 Released: 1994 What’s the best way to ruin one of the most legendary names in the beat-’em-up genre and effectively derail an entire series? Six words: Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls. Now, I had never played this game until a couple of months ago. When I was a kid, […]

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 29

April’s in the books, but we can’t greet spring right without our monthly ritual of sharing our gaming experiences from the past thirty days. Volume 29 of our Reader Roundtable series brings quite an eclectic selection of titles to bear. Beloved classics like Dynamite Headdy and Ecco: The Tides of Time are joined by more controversial titles like Sub-Terrania and Bubsy. We even have a baseball title for a perfect fit! Read the full article and see what your fellow Segaphiles have been playing this month.