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Sega 32X Reviews

Virtua Racing Deluxe

Virtua Racing Deluxe was way better than the Genesis version and was very close to the arcade Virtua Racing minus just a few features. Some new stuff has been added to make this a better overall game though, and while racing fans might not get all the features they expect from a racing sim, there are some things here that will keep them interested.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Spencer Nilsen (Composer)

He’s one of the most notable composers of the 16-bit era, and for some, one of the most controversial. Spencer Nilsen has been writing music for all forms of media for almost twenty years, and he has a particular place in the history of the Genesis and Sega CD. Sega-16 was fortunate enough to chat with him for a spell, so read the interview and see what he thinks of the whole Sonic CD soundtrack controversy!

Genesis Reviews


Normally, gamers wouldn’t want to bear the burden of causing hundreds of tiny beings plummeting to their deaths due to negligence. Luckily, Sunsoft’s Lemmings allows for guilt-free gameplay. Based on the computer classic, the Genesis version offers a solid rendition that’s sure to keep the little blue and green fellows walking blindly into oblivion for quite some time.