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Features, Interviews

Interview: Ellen Fuog (Kaneko VP of Sales & Marketing)

When the Genesis launched, it lacked something its rival, the NES, enjoyed in spades: third party software. Due to Nintendo’s strict licensing agreements, companies that published on the NES were forbidden to release games on competing hardware, and this left Sega’s new machine with a big problem. Thankfully, the U.S. court system put an end to this practice, and the support slowly began to pick up. During the dry period, however, a few small companies jumped at the chance to pick up the slack left by bigger publishers like Konami and Capcom. Among them was Kaneko, which was a staunch supporter of the little black box. Sega-16 spent some Q&A time with former Kaneko VP of marketing, Ellen Fuog, and she shared her insights on what it was like to be at a small publisher at the dawn of the 16-bit era.

Sega CD Reviews

Batman Returns (CD)

As a franchise, fewer characters have stronger legs than Batman. After twenty years, the fact that people are still looking forward to a new game featuring the Caped Crusader (Arkham Asylum looks incredible) is simply astonishing, considering just how spotty ol’ Batsy’s record has been. Back in the 16-bit era, Sega itself dove into the Batcave with both a cartridge and CD release of Batman Returns, and whether or not it landed on its head is still the subject of much-heated forum debates. We’ve a full review of the Sega CD version, so read on and remember, they’re flying mammals, not rodents!

Genesis Reviews

R.B.I. Baseball 3

Let’s all celebrate our national pastime with a full review of R.B.I. Baseball 3! Then again, after spending time with it, you might actually have more fun watching reruns of old games on ESPN Classic. Still, think of the alternative: going outside and actually playing baseball. And who would want to do that when there’s a Genesis in the house?

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 40

March’s Reader Roundtable marks the fortieth installment of the series, and by George, we’re proud that our staff, readers, and forum members have continued to show their 16-bit love for almost four straight years. As always, there’s a lot of variety to be seen, and you never know what little gem (or stinker) you’re going to find. So, read the full article and see what we’ve been playing!

Genesis Reviews

Astérix and the Power of the Gods

Asterix has been a staple of the French comics scene for half a century, and thefamous Gaul has appeared everywhere from movies to cartoons and even a theme park. Of course, a mid-’90s leap to the Genesis was a must, which lead to 1993’s Asterix & the Great Rescue. A sequel followed in 1995, but it was confined to Europe, as Sega of America left 16-bit behind and geared up for the transition to the Saturn. But even with its home grown popularity, Asterix & the Power of the Gods got lost in the next generation shuffle.