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Dreamcast Reviews

Resident Evil: Code: Veronica

Dreamcast owners got a special treat when Capcom gave them the exclusive next chapter in the Resident Evil saga. Code: Veronica brought 3D environments and big upgrades to the established gameplay, and while it stumbles a bit over its aging mechanics, it manages one hell of a ride. If you have a Dreamcast, then you simply have to own this game.

Dreamcast Reviews

Zombie Revenge

In 1999, Sega expanded on its House of the Dead series with an solid beat-’em-up that came to Dreamcast the following year. Chock full of extras, Zombie Revenge was fun for a while, especially with a second player. It’s a little bare if you’re planning a long gaming session, but there’s enough fun to be had fending off the undead.

Dreamcast Reviews

Resident Evil 2

Capcom gave Dreamcast owners another taste of Resident Evil with a quick port of the second game right after Code Veronica debuted. No major upgrades were included, and while this version wasn’t on the same level as the latest entry in the franchise, there was still some (undead) life left in the classic adventure that warranted another trip to Racoon City.

Features, Previews

Preview: The Cursed Legacy

Broke Studio is back with a new Cursed game! They’ve partnered with GGS Studio Creation to create The Cursed Legacy, an action/adventure game with several modes and lots of action and exploration. The Kickstarter is up and running, and the game is already funded. Check out our preview of what should definitely be one of your next Genesis purchases.

Sega CD Reviews

Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band

Sega’s new CD-ROM add-on was meant to bring bigger and better game experiences, but its first RPG entry was sadly off-key. In a world where the Genesis was finally hitting its role-playing stride, Funky Horror Band should have been a magical game that showed off the CD-ROM’s power. Instead, it wasn’t much of an upgrade at all.