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Genesis Reviews

NBA All-Star Challenge

Today’s basketball releases incorporate the all-star game and events within their meaty option menus, and gamers have come to expect such treatment with each yearly installment. During the 16-bit era, however, such luxuries were not available, and gamers had to look for other ways to get their all-star groove on. Unfortunately, Flying Edge decided to remedy this and offer up a compilation of events in NBA All-Star Challenge. It sports a three-point shootout, free throw contest, and even a one-on-one competition. Hey, it even has Michael Jordan! So why then, is it so bad?

Sega 32X Reviews

Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples

Despite its maligned reputation, the 32X has a suprisingly decent sports library. World Series Baseball, FIFA Soccer ’96, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and an adequate version of Quarterback Club cover most of the bases, and the group is rounded out by a solid golf title. Bearing perhaps the longest name in all of Sega gaming, Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes of Golf Starring Fred Couples is a great way for the golf novice to jump into the sport. It’s also another fun game for your neglected mushroom! Read our full review for more information.

Genesis Reviews

NHL ’96

The NHL playoffs are in full swing, so what better way to keep the mood alive than by taking a look at one of the best hockey games ever made? EA’s NHL ’96 refined everything that made previous installments so popular, and in turn it became perhaps the best in the series, something hard to do after the stellar ’94 edition.

Genesis Reviews

Sesame Street Counting Cafe

As part of the short-lived “EA Kids” line, Sesame Street Counting Cafe featured that famous duo of Grover and Mr. “Fat Blue” Johnson, in a restaurant setting that sought to help kids count food. Read our full review and don’t worry about the fly in your soup; he won’t eat much.