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Sega Download: Genesis Virtual Console Vol. 09

A new batch of Genesis titles has been released for the Wii Virtual Console, and we’re here to cover them for you as always. This latest group is pretty solid all around, but there are a few that really deserve a purchase above the others. Pulseman is one that everyone needs to play, and it’s finally been made available for American audiences. Read all about it and the rest of the releases in the latest installment of Genesis Virtual Console.

Sega 32X Reviews


When the 32X had finally laid down to die, it managed to breathe its last in Europe, in the form of the technologically impressive DarXide. Forced to change the name of its wonder cart for trademark reasons, Frontier Developments somehow managed to squeeze power out of the defunct mushroom like no other company could. The fruit of the company’s labor now goes for a small fortune on auction sites, and the high price definitely begs the question: is it worth the money? For the answer, my friend, you’ll have to read our full review!

Genesis Reviews

Jennifer Capriati Tennis

Wimbledon may be over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue enjoying the tennis action of pros! As always, the Genesis has you covered, with Jennifer Capriati Tennis, a game featuring the bad girl of the sport. Suprisingly, this isn’t another one of those licensed shovelware pieces normally associated with a big name. There’s some real depth here, and the game is a lot of fun. It also has the creepiest title screen in all of gaming.

Genesis Reviews

Task Force Harrier Ex

The Genesis is widely known for its shooter library, and among the many titles available is a relatively unknown arcade port of Task Force Harrier Ex. Toned down a bit but still retaining the essential gameplay and feel of the coin-op original, the Genesis version is a competent little game that far too few people know about.