The Genesis is widely known for its shooter library, and among the many titles available is a relatively unknown arcade port of Task Force Harrier Ex. Toned down a bit but still retaining the essential gameplay and feel of the coin-op original, the Genesis version is a competent little game that far too few people know about.
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2009 German Mega Drive Championship
Last year, we brought you coverage of the 2008 European Mega Drive Championship. Things are gearing up for the 2009 edition, and Team Germany has already held its own trials to see who will represent their nation! Read all about the 2009 German Mega Drive Championship, and see who’s going for the gold!
After Burner II
Today, Sega-16 hits another milestone. Our latest review, for After Burner II, is our 600th! What better way to celebrate than by taking a look at the Sega classic? For an early port of such a powerful arcade machine, the Genesis does a pretty good job, and all that’s missing is a flight stick (something Sega remedied with the superb Mission Stick for the Saturn version).
Great Waldo Search
Children everywhere know about Where’s Waldo and its lanky star. Between the ton of books, posters, and other merchandise bearing the brand, it’s kind of hard not to find Waldo, and he even popped up on 16-bit consoles. Lamentably, there’s nothing fun about searching for a guy who looks like an overgrown Christmas elf and spends his time hiding in public places. It’s especially not fun when it takes longer to read the manual than it does to complete the game.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 43
As we gear up for the fourth of July weekend (hamburgers and hot dogs, lemonade, tons of fireworks!), our Genesis keeps us more than busy. This month’s Reader Roundtable has a host of great games for Sega’s 160bit wonder, and our staff and readers have been enjoying them like it’s 1992! Read the full article and see what gems you should play again, as well as which ones you missed the first time around.
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