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Preview: Road Avenger Novel

Penned by author Mary Margaret Park and given the full blessing of G-Mode (the holder of most of the defunct Data East’s franchises), the Road Avenger novel is slated to burn rubber into bookstores sometime next year. We managed to avoid SCUM patrols long enough to get our hands on a preview of the book, and our impressions are now available for all to see. Read the full article and get ready for some driving action!

Genesis Reviews

Madden NFL ’94

No game console since the early ’90s has lacked the Madden series and dominated the industry. The series first stepped into the console arena on the Genesis, and it quickly grew into a sports juggernaut. Many people see the 1994 edition as the point where the franchise really began to come into its own, and it’s a football title that still plays as well today as it did over a decade and a half ago.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 29

Not everyone was able to enjoy the Genesis upon its launch, and for some people around the world, it took several years before they were finally able to jump into the 16-bit goodness. Having experienced other consoles before Sega’s wonder machine, making the adjustment could be hard, but the quality of the Genesis always shines through in the end. One reader shares such an experience in the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis.

Genesis Reviews

Last Action Hero

It seems that no one liked Last Action Hero. The Governator was beginning his slow downward spiral into movie retirement, and his first movie after the incredible T2: Judgment Day got trounced at the box office by Sleepless in Seattle. So poorly did the movie do, that Shwarzenegger’s own salary was virtually equal to its opening weekend gross. Of course, Sony tried to capitalized on the movie with a video game tie-in, and to say that the game mimics the film isn’t entirely accurate. Let’s just say that as bad as the movie may be, the game is infinitely worse. Horrible gameplay, repetitive enemies, brutal difficulty, and levels that go on way too long are only some of the problems that plague this doorstop.