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Genesis Reviews

Shove It! The Warehouse Game

Puzzle games come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more complex than others, but often the simplest puzzlers can be the most fun. One of the lesser known members of the genre on the Genesis is Shove It! The Warehouse Game, which basically boils down to a dude in a warehouse pushing boxes for cash. It’s not very deep on story, and it can even be downright repetitive sometimes, but the game actually grows on you after a while.

Genesis Reviews

Jerry Glanville’s Pigskin Footbrawl

Look at how fast November has come and gone. The month God made for football is over, but we can’t let go without one last look at the sport. Our latest review gives us a sort of another interpretation, and it comes in the form of a Genesis port of the Bally/Midway arcade hit Pigskin 621 A.D. The home version got a name change due to a questionable endorsement by NFL coach Jerry Glanville. Forget the refs and the rules friends; this one is all about bringing the pain

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 48

As we take this weekend to give thanks for overeating and unbridled consumerism, let us take a moment to reflect on the great games we played this month. Our staff and readers have been giving their consoles a healthy dose of game time, and the next four days are sure to bring hours more enjoyment. Hey, we have to work off all that turkey somehow, right? So put down that drumstick and check out this month’s Reader Roundtable. We’ll be back on Monday (a few pounds heavier), so happy Thanksgiving.

Genesis Reviews

John Madden Football ’93 Championship Edition

EA Sports made things especially interesting by offering a championship version of Madden ’93, which featured some of the best teams from past NFL seasons. It’s become quite rare among collectors, and that’s a shame, as it’s great for competition among friends. We have a full review of it, so lace up and read on! All you need now are some Tostitos and some Mountain Dew, and it’s game time!