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MEGA Bites Vol. 13

It’s nice to see that people are finally beginning to appreciate just how good the Genesis library is, and many franchises are being revived or ported to modern consoles. Everything from the Wii Virtual Console to the iPhone has seen classic 16-bit Sega goodness in some way or form, and now even Steam has Genesis games for purchase! We take a look at some of the latest developments in the Genesis arena in the newest edition of MEGA Bites, so read the full article for all the juicy details.

Sega CD Reviews

Sega Classics Arcade Collection (4-In-1)

If there’s one thing Sega knows how to do, it’s rehash the biggest stars of the Genesis era. Before the numerous compilations released on modern consoles, the Sega CD was among the first machines to get hit with the cash run wave. Home to not one but two editions of the Sega Arcade Classics Collection (the only difference being one game), the add-on gave Segaphiles their first taste of watered down ports. The worst part? Sega didn’t even wait until the Genesis was discontinued before it started to butcher its library.

Genesis Reviews

R.B.I. Baseball ’94

Put down those war shooters and spend some time doing that other great American tradition: baseball! The Genesis is home to many different franchises, and some don’t get the recognition they deserve. R.B.I. Baseball ’94 is a good example of this, and this installment has enough tweaks and improvements to place it among the best baseball games on the Genesis.