The Wii Virtual Console started out strong, with lots of great (and even rare) Genesis games arriving each month. Lately though, things have slowed to a trickle, and it’s possible that this latest installment of our Genesis Virtual Console series may possibly be the last. That is, unless Nintendo realizes the potential it’s sitting on and cranks up the releases. Until then, enjoy the latest batch of games.
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Gadget Twins
Within the vast library of Genesis shooters are a select few that follow a “cute” theme. These games are often portrayed as being simpler and more kid-friendly than their more serious counterparts, but looks can be deceiving. Gametek’s Gadget Twins is one title that’s adorable to look at, but its frustrating gameplay is not something to make your little siblings suffer with.
Lists of Fury: 10 Best Genesis Easter Eggs
Easter eggs, special secrets hidden in video games by the developers, have been with us since the Atari 2600. As time went on, however, game creators got more and more imaginative with their special little gifts. The Genesis was no exception, and we’ve compiled ten of the best in one handy list for you. Read the latest installment of our Lists of Fury series and see what you may have been missing for all these years!
Brett Hull Hockey ’95
With all the hockey games on the Genesis, you know there has to be a stinker somewhere. Well fans, let me introduce you to Accolade’s Brett Hull Hockey ’95, which more or less finds a way to get all the important things wrong. A horrible view perspective, annoying announcer, and spotty gameplay are just some of the problems that make this one to keep in the penalty box.
Beat-’em-ups are quite common on the Genesis, and there are those that are truly memorable, such as Streets of Rage 2 and Final Fight CD on the Sega CD. However, for every light there is a darkness; for every ying a yang; for every Streets of Rage, there is a Growl. While Taito’s brawler might not seem so bad in isolation, compared to other releases in the genre – specifically those released before it – the game is substandard. Another victim in Taito’s line of neutered ports, Growl is a title only worthy of playing out of momentary curiosity.
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