Most everyone loves the Golden Axe series. The main trilogy is considered sacred by hack-‘n-slash fans, but all cringe when talk of the spin-offs comes up. For some reason, Sega was never able to really capture the same magic (vases) with later outings, and most of what’s out there is better left untouched. Case in point: Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe for the Game Gear. Is it trying to be like Zelda II? If so, we don’t think Link has too much to worry about with this one.
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What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with half-naked fairies? That seems to be what people remember most about Razorsoft’s controversial title Stormlord. Of course, there’s some deep gameplay in as well, but there’s something about those fairies that has kept the game in the public consciousness for two decades. Either way, Stormlord is worth checking out. Whether you’re in it for the cleavage or the challenging puzzles, this might be a title you need to play!
Wheel of Fortune (CD)
For a quarter century, Vanna White has been making a fortune turning letters on a wall, even after technology had long made her obsolete. The popularity of Wheel of Fortune has endured for decades, and many a gaming platform has had its own version in some form or another. The Sega CD was no exception, but whatever charm and magic made the show such a hit was completely lost in this horrible version.
Interview: Jools Watsham (Iguana Ent. Artist)
Sega-16 recently had the chance to talk with former Iguana mainstay Jools Watsham. During his tenure at the company and later at Acclaim itself, Watsham worked many different titles in a variety of positions as an artist and producer, among other things. He was also involved with quite a few Genesis titles, like Aero the Acrobat, NBA Jam, and NFL Quarterback Club.
Top Gear 2
Finished OutRun? Know Micro Machines like the back of your hand? Well, perhaps it’s time to try Top Gear 2. While it might not match the sheer quality of the two aforementioned titles, it’s actually a pretty decent little racer that should be easy to find.
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