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Genesis Reviews

Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water

Namco has done a competent job of capturing the charm and story of the famous anime, but the gameplay is hurt by the focus on story. It’s hard to have a great RPG without all the elements that make the genre what it is. Still, Nadia makes for a relaxing adventure without all the trappings of your typical RPG. If you’re looking for a different spin on a gaming standard, this one might be worth looking into.

Genesis Reviews

VR Troopers

Considered by most to be second-string Power Rangers, the V.R. Troopers took a back seat to Saban’s premier team of heroes in all areas, including video games. It’s not easy for a game to become a hit when the property it’s based on is struggling against a media juggernaut. It doesn’t help when the game stinks, either.

Genesis Reviews

Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball

If you’re looking for the boys of summer, keep walking friend, because they’re not in this dugout. Any player with self respect steers clear from this game, and you’ll probably find them playing World Series Baseball. Still interested? Then grab some Big League Chew and read our complete write up. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you.