Namco’s 1989 arcade racer Four Trax came to the Genesis as Quad Challenge, and while it’s not a bad racer to spend some time with, it pales next to other games available at the time. Plain visuals and a dearth of gameplay options leave little meat on the bones of what was most likely the first ATV game on consoles.
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Interview: Steve Hanawa (SOA Director of R&D)
Few people have as deep an understanding of what Sega was like during its transitional period of the early ’90s as Steve Hanawa does. An integral part of the U.S. team during the Master System era, he saw the company make the jump to 16-bit and grow into a gaming powerhouse. Sega-16 chatted with him recently about his experiences there.
Ooze, The
One of the final efforts by the Sega Technical Institute, The Ooze was released during the twilight of the Genesis’ life, as gamers were flocking to newer, 32-bit consoles. Many missed out on an engaging and challenging title that had a unique premise and offered solid action.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 68
Say goodbye to summer! As the weather changes and cools off, we have fewer reasons to go outside and more excuses to stay inside and play games! Our staff and readers have been sending off the days of sunshine and heat with some serious Sega gaming, and as always, we have their experiences here for you!
NFL ’98
The final Sega-made football game on the Genesis drops the high price endorsements but maintains the tradition of its predecessors, and it offers a great way to get your 16-bit football fix. Solid gameplay and excellent presentation offer compelling competition to EA’s Madden.
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