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Genesis Reviews

Super Skidmarks

Racing is fun, but racing with cows is SO much better! That’s a feature of Super Skidmarks that other racing games don’t offer, and the only thing really setting this game back (aside from a weird way of keeping cars together onscreen) is the fact that it doesn’t really run well on NTSC TV sets thanks to its PAL exclusivity. If you can play it though, check it out!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 71

By now, everyone has unwrapped their gifts and drank their fill of cocoa and eggnog. Best of all, all the relatives who came over for Christmas dinner have long since returned home, leaving a nice empty house.Now, it’s time to play! If Santa had any taste, he brought lots of Genesis games to our staff and readers, so read on and see what ol’ Saint Nick gave out this year!

Sega CD Reviews


A shooter on the Sega CD should be a good thing. Games like Android Assault shows that such a thing is possible. Even adding full-motion video doesn’t equate to a lost cause, as Silpheed proves. It’s not always peanut butter and chocolate though, and a game like Novastorm shows more of what could have been than what is.