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Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 73

After Valentine’s Day has left you broke, you probably don’t have money for modern games, so it’s convenient that retro games are mostly cheaper! And if you don’t have a special someone to spend your hard-earned cash on, that leaves more money for Genesis games! This month, we’ve given the love to our favorite little black box – the one without chocolates inside.

Genesis Reviews


How do you take an above average CD title and make it bland? Take away the only special things the CD format added! That’s precisely what JVC did with Wolfchild, which lost its cut scenes and CD soundtrack during the transition to cartridge. Left to fend for itself on the strength of only it
s gameplay and visuals, this wolf is looking pretty dire indeed…

Master System Reviews

Thunder Blade

Genesis owners with a Power Base Converter have the ability to play classic Master System titles on their console, but some are just little more than proof of how far hardware has come. Thunder Blade is an example of a game that couldn’t emulate the arcade well and made no effort to compensate.