Like shows about video games? Then Game Sack is a show you need to check out. Joe and Dave delve into their massive collections to bring us commentary on what to buy and what to avoid. This week’s episode is all Genesis and discusses Japanese games that never should have left the country.
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2012 German Mega Drive Championship
Genesis gaming is alive and well! This past March, the 2012 German Mega Drive Championship took place in Hanau, marking the sixth consecutive year that the event has been held. Gamers of all ages flocked to test their 16-bit mettle and battle fiercely for prizes donated by Sega Europe itself!
Night Trap
Considered one of the most controversial games in history, Night Trap earned the wrath of the U.S. Senate and helped usher in the ratings system. All the notoriety aside though, is it actually a good game? Well… no. Awkward gameplay fails to mesh with grainy video, creating an experience that’s ultimately unsatisfying. The 32X version at least had cleaner video, but this release doesn’t even have that going for it.
Sega Gear: Retrozone USB Genesis RetroPort
Gamers itching to play Genesis via emulation can get closer to the real thing by using converters to plug in real controllers. RetroZone makes one called the RetroPort that lets all sorts of controllers and sticks work on computers, and it’s even compatible with modern game consoles.
Wolf Team should be sued for false representation. Devastator may look like a great action title featuring a massive robot, but in reality it’s just a mediocre action title with repetitive gameplay. Aside from a few sparse effects, virtually all the power of the Sega CD goes to cut scenes and music , as the gameplay itself is nothing a cart couldn’t handle.
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