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Sega-16 Year 08 Retrospective

As we round out another year of coverage, Sega-16 continues to grow and improve. The past year has brought little controversy to our little section of the web, something for which we are quite grateful, and this has let us maintain focus on bringing the best Genesis coverage possible. Join us as we give our thoughts on the past 12 months.

Genesis Reviews

Heavy Unit: Mega Drive Special

With all the shooters that came to the Genesis in its first two years, it seems strange that some would be left behind. Kaneko’s Heavy Unit was one shmup that missed the boat, most likely because it was seen as too generic compared to powerhouses such as Thunder Force III and Gaiares. Is it worth tracking down now? Read on and see!

Genesis Reviews

Xenon 2 Megablast

What is widely considered to be a classic Amiga shooter comes to the Genesis in notably worse shape. Horrible slowdown, dodgy power-ups, and missing stages are just some of the problems plaguing this sub-standard port. If you really want to experience Xenon 2, stick with the Amiga original.