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Genesis Reviews

NFL ’94 Starring Joe Montana

Perhaps the biggest threat to Madden, Sega’s NFL series offered a great alternative for gridiron gladiators to get their digital fix. The series is considered by many to have peaked with the 1994 installment, which blended the famous Sports Talk feature with solid visuals and gameplay that required a better knowledge of play-calling than most football titles.

Genesis Reviews

Disney’s Pocahontas

Disney’s stable of characters found a friendly home on the Genesis, and even as the console was in the twilight of its life it managed to produce quality titles that did justice to their source material. Pocahontas is one such example. Though it might not reach the same levels of quality as Aladdin and Castle of Illusion, it’s a solid adventure in its own right.

Genesis Reviews

Head-On Soccer

Despite what many people think, there are actually quality soccer games out there that don’t begin with “FIFA.” Case in point: U.S. Gold released a very playable title that featured quick, arcade-like gameplay and an isometric perspective. Though flawed, Head-On Soccer presents a solid alternative for those who don’t want the simulation style found in EA’s series.