Sega CD Reviews

Sega CD Reviews

Arcus I-II-III

While American Sega CD owners were forced-fed FMV titles of all kinds Japanese gamers basked in great titles like Arcus 1-2-3. Telenet served up what was perhaps one of the best RPG sets of the era, a collection of three dungeon crawlers of impressive size and scope. Even with the language barrier, this is one adventure you simply cannot afford to miss.

Sega CD Reviews


A shooter on the Sega CD should be a good thing. Games like Android Assault shows that such a thing is possible. Even adding full-motion video doesn’t equate to a lost cause, as Silpheed proves. It’s not always peanut butter and chocolate though, and a game like Novastorm shows more of what could have been than what is.

Sega CD Reviews

Burning Fists

Sometimes, games get canceled for a reason, and Burning Fists is a prime example. Even finished, it would have been a less than mediocre fighter, but in its semi-beta state, its almost too poor to warrant playing. Unless you just have to have every Sega CD game and don’t mind playing what is essentially a late beta, stay away!

Sega CD Reviews


The battle for control of Arrakis rages on the Sega CD! Based on the classic Frank Herbert novel and taking a visual cue from the 1984 film, Dune blends action and strategy to create a solid hybrid that may be too easy for hardened strategy buffs and too bare-bones for Dune fans.

Sega CD Reviews

Space Adventure, The

Hudson Soft brings Buichi Terasawa’s classic Cobra manga to life on the Sega CD. Though filled with great animation and story, its linear gameplay and poor voice acting may turn some gamers away. And then there’s that whole “costs around $100 on eBay” thing…