Sega CD Reviews

Sega CD Reviews

WWF Rage in the Cage

One of the most dramatic of all wrestling matches is the cage match. Two men locked inside a massive cell of steel, with victory coming to the one who can climb his way out. WFF Rage in the Cage for the Sega CD centered its theme around this classic type of match, with completely mediocre results, despite having at its disposal all the advantages the new hardware offered. It was just another example of Genesis games being ported to CD with little extra effort.

Sega CD Reviews

Jeopardy! (CD)

Jeopardy! is one of the longest running game shows in history (Bob Barker and The Price is Right still owns them all), and just about every console under the Sun has seen some version of it. The Sega CD is a member of this club, with an enhanced version of the Genesis cartridge. If you’re looking for some game show action, why not read our full review and see if this version is the one to get?

Sega CD Reviews

Citizen X

We’ve another Sega CD review coming at ya, this time for Digital Pictures’ Citizen X. Never released for the Sega CD, it was recently finished and published by Good Deal Games. Think about this: an actual Digital Pictures game that isn’t entirely full motion video. Yep, I mean there’s actual gameplay in this one! No wonder DP didn’t want it made public!

Sega CD Reviews

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. 1

One of the first games on the Turbo Grafx-16 CDROM to drop people’s jaws was Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective. An FMV game that proved much harder than it was interactive, it was eventually ported to the fledgling Sega CD (along with its sequel). Though it made impressive use of audio and video, the actual game itself wasn’t as ground-breaking, and many Sega CD owners today still steer clear of this one.

Sega CD Reviews

Black Hole Assault

After Capcom’s Street Fighter II exploded onto the scene, dozens of copycats popped up on consoles everywhere. Among them was Black Hole Assault, an early Sega CD brawler that was only slightly less yawn-inducing than most of the other imitations out there. Even the cool cut scenes and CD soundtrack couldn’t save this one from obscurity. Read our full review, and remember that we play bad games so you don’t have to!