Saturn Reviews

Saturn Reviews

Super Tempo

Tempo for the 32X was a wacky platformer that had dancing bugs, yodeling, and even flying cows. Though American gamers also saw a watered-down version released on the Game Gear, they never got a chance to check out the Saturn sequel, Super Tempo. It was only released in Japan, and it currently commands very high prices on sites such as eBay (an expensive Saturn import? NO WAY!). While we can’t go out and buy everone a copy, we can at least show you what you may have missed. We’ve put the game through its paces and can at least offer another glimpse into the world of Tempo and his friends.

Saturn Reviews

Sonic Jam

Sonic is making waves again, and 2008 might just be the year when Sega finally gets the old formula right. It’s been almost ten years since the famous hedgehog made the jump to the third dimension permanently, and it’s been a shaky road to this day. It wasn’t his first foray into 3D though, as two years before Sonic Adventure was released gamers were treated to a taste of what was to come with the Sonic World mode of Sonic Jam for the Sega Saturn. A compilation of all his 16-bit outings (sans Sonic 3D Blast), the game also boasted a fully 3D world that could be explored. It was mostly just a cool way to travel between different game options, but it set the precedent for Sonic’s evolution.