Saturn Reviews

Saturn Reviews

Galactic Attack

The Saturn has a robust selection of shooters, but relatively few of them left Japan. One that people should definitely examine is Galactic Attack, known as Layer Section in Japan, a vertically-scrolling affair with lock-on attacks. It’s a solid port that has some great action, crisp visuals, and a great soundtrack.

Saturn Reviews

Burning Rangers

One of the final Saturn releases was also one of its most original. Taking the action genre in a a new direction, Sonic Team had players take the role of a futuristic rescue team in a game that pushed Sega’s 32-bit hardware to its limit. Burning Rangers is both a technological achievement and a lot of fun.

Saturn Reviews

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei

The original Panzer Dragoon debuted with the Saturn’s launch, and it was quite an impressive title. The sequel amped up everything good about its predecessor, adding some stunning environments and a cool dragon evolution dynamic. It’s one of the top releases for the console and one that everyone should play.

Saturn Reviews

NiGHTS Into Dreams

Sonic Team deviated from its work on Sega’s mascot to create a truly original and breathtaking adventure. NiGHTS Into Dreams was a wonderful and captivating title that took elements of different genres and molded them into something unique. It overflows with that classic Sonic Team charm, and every Saturn owners needs to own a copy.

Saturn Reviews

Tempest 2000

The Atari Jaguar classic received an incredible port on the Saturn. Arguably as good if not better than the original, it explodes onto Sega’s 32-bit beast with bold visuals, great gameplay, and that classic Tempest 2000 soundtrack in redbook format!