Saturn Reviews

Saturn Reviews


Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher is often hailed as one of the best reasons to buy a Sega CD. A well-received sequel was released on the PlayStation and Saturn but never made it stateside, depriving fans of a great adventure game. Thankfully, it was finally fan-translated a few years back and we can now enjoy what Kojima himself considers the definitive version.

Saturn Reviews

Virtual Hydlide

The U.S. Saturn suffered early on due to a lack of RPGs, and one of the first released was Virtual Hydlide. The game was a noble attempt at bringing a 3D environment to the genre, but it sacrificed everything the Hydlide series had built up over the years. The result was an adventure better left to rot in a dungeon.

Saturn Reviews


Warp’s horror title D likely did more to establish the reputation of its creator, Kenji Eno, than it did to advance its genre, but the game is a solid bit of fun. It was challenging and created a great atmosphere, despite some visual shortcomings and linear gameplay. It’s a great example of Eno’s visionary storytelling methods and is definitely worth checking out.