
Genesis Reviews

King of the Monsters 2

Takara made sure that all those gamers who didn’t have $500 to pony up for a Neo Geo AES system weren’t left without playing all the cool games that made the console so attractive. Genesis owners got a ton of ports, and while some weren’t up to par with the arcade originals, most were pretty competent. King of the Monsters 2 was one conversion that took a different route than its coin-op sibling, and the result was a game that was quite fun to play.

Sega CD Reviews

Surgical Strike

Full-motion video games are a staple of any Sega CD library. Heck, you seemingly can’t own the add-on without having at least one in your library. Back when Sega was betting the farm on the genre, its TruVideo line was producing titles on a regular basis. Some were decent (Wirehead), and some were Surgical Strike. I know you can’t believe we found another bad FMV game, but at least try to feign surprise. For us, please?

Sega CD Reviews

Samurai Shodown (CD)

IPPON! SNK’s Samurai Shodown sliced and diced its way onto just about every console imaginable, and many gamers expected the Sega CD version to be the best one. Sadly, this wasn’t the case. Long load times, a missing character, and an unforgivable bug hamper what is otherwise an excellent port.

Sega CD Reviews

Prize Fighter

The Sega CD will forever be remembered for having the largest library of FMV games around, and there are a ton of different opinions regarding the overall playability of the genre. Regardless of how you feel about them, one thing we can probably all agree on is that some FMV games should maybe never have been attempted at all due to the gameplay constraints they placed on the concept they were trying so hard to bring to life.

Genesis Reviews

Beast Wrestler

If you were a Genesis-owning wrestling fan during the first two years or so of the console’s life, you most likely spent a lot of time in a bad mood. First, after being teased for months with Sega’s Wrestle War, you were quietly let down when the game never came stateside. Then, the only game even resembling a wrestling title was Renovation’s Beast Wrestler, which was in no way a substitute. Yeah, it’s that bad.