The Incredible Crash Dummies somehow got a toy line and a cartoon show, so of course there had to be a video game tie-in. It’s short and saddled with poor control, not offering much for its license. Though not the worst platforming experience out there, your time would be better spent with any of the better Genesis offerings in the category.
Robo Aleste
Coming from shmup masters Compile, Robo Aleste had big shoes to fill after the masterpiece that was M.U.S.H.A. As practically the only vertical shooter on the Sega CD, it also filled a much-neglected niche. How did it fare in both areas? Read our full review for all the details.
Twinkle Tale
One of the best Mega Drive titles that stayed in Japan, Twinkle Tale was chock full of blazing action and dazzling visuals. It may not be the best in its class (a recent fan translation and upgrade improves the experience), and it’s damn expensive, but it’s definitely a great way to spend an afternoon.
Sonic Adventure
After an absence on the Saturn, Sonic returned on the Dreamcast with a new platform adventure. It was hailed and welcomed by many at the time, but the Blue Blur still had a lot of adjusting to do in the third dimension. A disjointed plot and a problematic camera keep Sonic’s first proper 3D outing from being a true classic.
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Perhaps the most coveted of Saturn games, Panzer Dragoon Saga is an RPG that people desperately hope will one day be remastered. It’s short and extraordinarily expensive, but oh what a wonderful experience it is. If you want to see the Saturn at its best, this is the game you need to play.